2006-8 - 2009-9 Wireless solution marketing manager
Location:Shanghai and oversea Job Type:Full-time Department: Report to: Number of Subordinates:employees :
Job Category:Marketing/Public Relations (PR)/Media
Career Level:Mid Career(2+ years experience)
Responsibilities and Achievements:
1. GSM/WCDMA product and system market requirements collection, analysis and market planning
2. Be in charge of the GSM/WCDMA system projects and to achieve annual objectives
3. Product and solution propagandizing, communication and clarification with customers, project bidding , marketing action planning and executing
4. As the project leader and product manager for team organization and management in the large projects
5. Products and solutions training(internal)
Project Experiences:
1. Participated in more than 20 international projects in 10 countries
2. As the core membership, participated in more than 10 international biding projects
3. Be the team leader responsible for large biding projects and achieved contracts(Over $100 million contracts achieved)
The University of Melbourne, Australia
2004-7 - 2005-12 Telecommunication Engineering Master Master Melbourne
Major Category:Telecommunications Engineering
Major Description and Courses: Wireless and mobile communication, broadband network
College Info
Out of a Total of:people Rank: Student Cadre: Position:
Scholarship: Year Obtained:
Scholarship: Year Obtained:
Other Awards:
Campus and Community Activities: Wuhan University of Technology
1999-9 - 2003-7 Telecommunication Engineering Bachelor Bachelor Wuhan
Major Category:Telecommunications Engineering
Major Description and Courses: Basic knowledge of Telecommunication
College Info
Out of a Total of:people Rank: Student Cadre: Position:
Scholarship: Year Obtained:
Scholarship: Year Obtained:
Other Awards:
Campus and Community Activities: Summary / Target Jobtop
Career Profile
The Year Start to Work:2006-8
Overseas Experience:Yes
Current Job Industry:Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service)
Current Job Category:Marketing/Public Relations (PR)/Media
Current Career level:Mid Career(2+ years experience)
Current Salary: before tax RMB
Career Objective
Desired Type of Employment:Full-time
Desired Job Industry:Hardware/Network Equipment IT Service/System Integration Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service) Electronics/Micro-electronics Software
Desired Job Category:Sales Marketing/Public Relations (PR)/Media Consulting
Desired City:Beijing Shanghai
Desired Salary: before tax RMB
Desired Salary:Negotiable
I can start from:Negotiable
Thursday, February 4, 2010
To My Lost Gem Julie

No ‘dog’ were you for me; you were my family member;
My darling dove you were, whom lifelong I’ll remember.
I know you loved me truly and understood me too;
On getting the merest clue you knew well what to do!
Whenever I wrapped your ears in readiness for your bath,
Straight towards your bathroom you’d always lead my path!
Fidgeting not, you’d freely let me shampoo you,
As and when required turning around too!
The bottle of your eardrops whene’er you saw me hold,
You’d dropp down on your flank - without being told -
To receive the drops into your ear more easily;
And then change flanks, your other ear to offer me!
Should someone tease you, snatching away your favourite snacks,
Rushing you’d come to me - each moment looking back, -
Then ‘nose’ my knees and gurgle / grunt, with a paw pointing
Towards the ‘offender’ by way of complaining!
When I myself to someone’s pranks, at times, was victim
Wouldn’t you howl and howl your head off at her or him?
Your ‘guardian’ was I but, as my ‘guard’ - night and day -
You kept vigil, keeping harm out of my way!
But now no more you are, my most faithful friend!
Our happy times together have reached the rudest end.
No more for me the several signals of your love,
Since still on earth I am and you’re in Heaven above!
From outdoors when I return, you’ll receive me no more
With your typical ‘welcome whoops’ at the master door;
Barring my way in, no more will you stand
And raise your right foreleg, offering a ‘shake-hand’!
Your love knew no limits; you shared it with felines
As much as with humans and your brethren canines.
Numerous kittens hadn’t you suckled soulfully
And frisked about with many a cat mirthfully?
Apart from me and other inmates of our house,
You let our guests too - sans snarls or ‘whow-whows’ -
Hold and pet your pups as soon as they were born!
Your faith in all was such, of mistrust wholly shorn.
Along with your puppies you suckled kittens too,
And allowed cats to play with them! You well knew
No harm to them will even our feline fam’ly cause -
By keeping carefully in control their sharp claws.
But now when our kittens by street dogs are chased,
You’ll spurt no more your ‘siren screams’ like one crazed!
When Jimmy takes to tantrums, you’ll calm him down no more
By fondling his forehead with your soft and soothing paw!
Your last four months, able not to eat on your own,
- Your bloated belly having become as hard as stone -
Umpteen times, each hour, you’d ope’ your mouth for me
To spoon-feed you with liquids, despite your difficulty.
Cancer creates excruciating pain, I’m told;
But not a single moan you uttered till you were cold!
You hid from me your suff’ring lest I weep for you:
At your selfless sufferance amazed were doctors too!
Though day by day reduced you were to skin and bone,
Hearing not from you, at any time, a groan
To indicate your subjection to intensive pain,
Hardly could I believe that by Cancer you were slain!
Six days before your death, didn’t you wag your tail
When a visitor greeted you, pretending you were hale?
Others in your plight would have whined and wailed.
Your courage and composure unknown heights had scaled!
Although a ‘country’ dog not claiming any ‘breed’,
In temper’ment and talents you matchless were indeed!
You were, O queen of canines, one in a crore!
Your lovely life’s story will soon become folklore.
With all our guests and visitors you were always friendly;
All our cats and kittens you always treated kindly.
A dog so good and gracious, so loving and lovable,
More than ‘one in a crore’ can be - is it believable?
For over eleven years were you my prized possession.
Oft I prayed to God to grant me the concession
Of letting us be together for at least a few years more.
But this was not to be; no points my prayers could score.
Miserable though I feel, at times I’m glad - realising
That rid you are for ever of severest suffering.
With liver, spleen and ut’rus all damaged beyond measure,
Would hanging on to life have given you any pleasure?
In your final moments, when people pulled me back,
Preventing distraught me from clasping you - alack! -,
What supernal source lent you sudden energy
To half lift yourself and crawl up towards me?
Your laying your head upon my feet your last breath
To leave - I’ll forget not until my own death.
What surer proof of gratitude and loyal love
Than this star salute of yours, O Julie, my dove?
In my heart you’ll live though bodily you’re no more;
Of your many mem’ries my mind maintains a store.
My dreams revolve around you many a blessed night
When, of your living image I’m able to catch sight.
I often used to worry what will become of you
Should I leave this world ere you could so do.
This perplexing problem thus to solve HE chose: -
Electing to grant you, first, everlasting repose.
Cruel though to me, to you kind HE was;
Each clause of HIS laws, is surely free of flaws?
In my care, Julie dear, though you were happy;
In HIS eternal care, blissfuL you will be.
Farewell then - and fare you well. No more tears
To shed I’ll try. For those great eleven years
At least that I could share with you, our Lord I thank.
With HIM too, in Heaven, I know you’ll highly rank.
The Root of Chinese Translation Company
Summary: Chinese translation company derived from the ancient royal translation garden in Tang Dynasty. After more than one-thousand-year development, what is the most characteristic feature of them and what is their future?
Chinese Translation company has a long history which can be traced back to Tang Dynasty, when translation business was flourishing, as Chinese emperors adhered to Buddhism transferred from India. In the mythological novel Journey to the West, in which is recounted the amazing adventures of the eminent monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty, we can find out some vestiges of Chinese translation company.
The three disciples of monk Xuan Zang converted to Buddhism, when they wanted to devote their whole lives to the journey, which indicated the translation career. Xuan Zang, who represents a freelance in translation circle, needs a company which takes charge of marketing and logistics guarantee. Therefore, the four Buddhists formed into a company, which was the origin of Chinese translation company.
If we take the ancient Chinese translation company as a group of intellectuals who cherish the same ideals with burning passion, the emergence of Chinese modern one mingles with more commercial elements. It is better to consider them as interest groups instead of service agencies. As Chinese translation company has more available translation experience of translating the native language into other languages as an advantage over the western counterparts. So, it’s a conventional stereotype that Chinese translation companies assume the responsibility for promoting Chinese language and culture abroad. As the government failed to establish a non-interest organization which accords the priority to the quality instead of the translation velocity, some commercial organizations appeared.
Actually, the common characteristic of a company is the greedy pursuit of maximum profits. Therefore, many Chinese translation companies fail to bear the responsibility of being a communication envoy between various cultures. Some Chinese translation companies have a floating number of part-time translators, they will endlessly scout and appoint language talents in China’s large human resource bank, because the initial pay is as low as possible. When they finish the hunt of new talents, they ditch the previous ones for saving the cost. Only the full-time pillar translators and proofreaders take charge of the crucial projects to guarantee their company’s reputation and survival.
As few Chinese Translation companies’ incentives to run a translation business are not making profits, competition in every aspect of translation industry is becoming fierce, utilitarianism is flooding. The profit margin of domestic translation industry is shrinking, therefore, Chinese translation companies are the best choice of the freelance translators. After all, translation is not a field for individual heroism, but a team work, due to the limitation of energy and time of single translator. So in modern translation company are there many derivatives positions, such as project management, translator scout, proofreading, quality review. History has proved eloquently that the division of translation project based on equality and cooperation between translation company and the translators constitutes the most reasonable and practical relationship. For example, they share the same specific glossary in a certain field.
Since the Tang Dynasty, it has passed more than one thousand years of feudal autocracy. But only one distinguishable character of Chinese translators remained unchanged ---- suffering without protests or complaints, which reflects in the fact that Chinese people revered to the dragon. Every full-time translator or interpreter shares a common stiff feature, in the result of long duration of desk work and field work.
In a word, the emergency of further cooperation, differentiation of translation work, and maintenance of dragon spirit will be accompanied with the Chinese translation companies.
Chinese Translation company has a long history which can be traced back to Tang Dynasty, when translation business was flourishing, as Chinese emperors adhered to Buddhism transferred from India. In the mythological novel Journey to the West, in which is recounted the amazing adventures of the eminent monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty, we can find out some vestiges of Chinese translation company.
The three disciples of monk Xuan Zang converted to Buddhism, when they wanted to devote their whole lives to the journey, which indicated the translation career. Xuan Zang, who represents a freelance in translation circle, needs a company which takes charge of marketing and logistics guarantee. Therefore, the four Buddhists formed into a company, which was the origin of Chinese translation company.
If we take the ancient Chinese translation company as a group of intellectuals who cherish the same ideals with burning passion, the emergence of Chinese modern one mingles with more commercial elements. It is better to consider them as interest groups instead of service agencies. As Chinese translation company has more available translation experience of translating the native language into other languages as an advantage over the western counterparts. So, it’s a conventional stereotype that Chinese translation companies assume the responsibility for promoting Chinese language and culture abroad. As the government failed to establish a non-interest organization which accords the priority to the quality instead of the translation velocity, some commercial organizations appeared.
Actually, the common characteristic of a company is the greedy pursuit of maximum profits. Therefore, many Chinese translation companies fail to bear the responsibility of being a communication envoy between various cultures. Some Chinese translation companies have a floating number of part-time translators, they will endlessly scout and appoint language talents in China’s large human resource bank, because the initial pay is as low as possible. When they finish the hunt of new talents, they ditch the previous ones for saving the cost. Only the full-time pillar translators and proofreaders take charge of the crucial projects to guarantee their company’s reputation and survival.
As few Chinese Translation companies’ incentives to run a translation business are not making profits, competition in every aspect of translation industry is becoming fierce, utilitarianism is flooding. The profit margin of domestic translation industry is shrinking, therefore, Chinese translation companies are the best choice of the freelance translators. After all, translation is not a field for individual heroism, but a team work, due to the limitation of energy and time of single translator. So in modern translation company are there many derivatives positions, such as project management, translator scout, proofreading, quality review. History has proved eloquently that the division of translation project based on equality and cooperation between translation company and the translators constitutes the most reasonable and practical relationship. For example, they share the same specific glossary in a certain field.
Since the Tang Dynasty, it has passed more than one thousand years of feudal autocracy. But only one distinguishable character of Chinese translators remained unchanged ---- suffering without protests or complaints, which reflects in the fact that Chinese people revered to the dragon. Every full-time translator or interpreter shares a common stiff feature, in the result of long duration of desk work and field work.
In a word, the emergency of further cooperation, differentiation of translation work, and maintenance of dragon spirit will be accompanied with the Chinese translation companies.
Free Translation on the Internet
Summery: The prevalence of online free translation cannot be ignored nowadays. What is the consequence of this phenomenon, and why Chinese people take a keen interest in offering it.
As a translator with 8-year experience, I resort to the Net whenever I meet with an obstacle in translation. It’s not only because it’s an instant way to find out a suggestion, but also because of its high efficiency.
Obviously, the Net is becoming a universal medium, which provides an immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of free translation resource, which includes a rich bank of glossary. The perfect recall of silicon memory can be an enormous boon to thinking and translating, but the boon comes at a price. The media theorist Marshall McLuhan (1960s) pointed out media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the online free translation resource seems to be doing is chipping away at my capacity for concentration and contemplation. The increasing reliance on the online free translation make my minds get used to the way the Net distributes information: in a swiftly moving stream of particles.
The Internet has altered my mental habits when I work on a translation project. My concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lost the thread, and begin looking for something else to do. The contemplation that used to come naturally has become a struggle. My thinking has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way I quickly scans short passages of bilingual text from many free translation sources online.
I worried that the style of reading promoted by the Net, a style that puts “efficiency” and “immediacy” above all else, may be weakening our capacity for the kind of deep reading and translation. In this money-worshipping world, academic excellence seems to have been relegated to a role of secondary importance. The translators, a kind of intellectual, tend to become “mere decoders of information”, instead of weigh our words when we translate. And the hustling and bustling of routine life makes deep-reading and intensive study become a kind of luxury.
Just as the speed and scale of China’s rise as an economic power have no clear parallel in history, so its annual quantity of translation has shattered all precedents. Meanwhile with the emergenance of podcasts and blogs, the section of free translation on the Net cannot be ignored.
As we known, in 1960s, every Chinese followed Lei Feng to help each other voluntarily on March 5, the commemoration day. And Lei Feng was worshipped as a hero or even a god and millions of young people emulated his acts of generosity. And nowadays, even though China’s modern society has become much more self-centered, Lei Feng’s good deeds have not lost any luster to today’s what’s-in-it-for-me generation who knows Lei Feng from text books and class lectures. Some of language talents with passion translate materials for nothing and publish their works on the Net. Their goal of doing so is not for fame or fortune, but for the satisfaction of personal interests. The establishment of free translation circles provides a convenient and efficient means of communicating to develop their complex of Lei Feng.
The online free translation is not only in the form of text, but also in the form of subtitle. Many domestic movie website or BBS recruit language talents to translate the subtitle of latest movies abroad and published the version with Chinese subtitle before the opening of Hollywood blockbuster on the mainland. The competition is so fierce that website who merely has a lead of an hour will enjoy an overwhelming click rate.
As a translator with 8-year experience, I resort to the Net whenever I meet with an obstacle in translation. It’s not only because it’s an instant way to find out a suggestion, but also because of its high efficiency.
Obviously, the Net is becoming a universal medium, which provides an immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of free translation resource, which includes a rich bank of glossary. The perfect recall of silicon memory can be an enormous boon to thinking and translating, but the boon comes at a price. The media theorist Marshall McLuhan (1960s) pointed out media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the online free translation resource seems to be doing is chipping away at my capacity for concentration and contemplation. The increasing reliance on the online free translation make my minds get used to the way the Net distributes information: in a swiftly moving stream of particles.
The Internet has altered my mental habits when I work on a translation project. My concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lost the thread, and begin looking for something else to do. The contemplation that used to come naturally has become a struggle. My thinking has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way I quickly scans short passages of bilingual text from many free translation sources online.
I worried that the style of reading promoted by the Net, a style that puts “efficiency” and “immediacy” above all else, may be weakening our capacity for the kind of deep reading and translation. In this money-worshipping world, academic excellence seems to have been relegated to a role of secondary importance. The translators, a kind of intellectual, tend to become “mere decoders of information”, instead of weigh our words when we translate. And the hustling and bustling of routine life makes deep-reading and intensive study become a kind of luxury.
Just as the speed and scale of China’s rise as an economic power have no clear parallel in history, so its annual quantity of translation has shattered all precedents. Meanwhile with the emergenance of podcasts and blogs, the section of free translation on the Net cannot be ignored.
As we known, in 1960s, every Chinese followed Lei Feng to help each other voluntarily on March 5, the commemoration day. And Lei Feng was worshipped as a hero or even a god and millions of young people emulated his acts of generosity. And nowadays, even though China’s modern society has become much more self-centered, Lei Feng’s good deeds have not lost any luster to today’s what’s-in-it-for-me generation who knows Lei Feng from text books and class lectures. Some of language talents with passion translate materials for nothing and publish their works on the Net. Their goal of doing so is not for fame or fortune, but for the satisfaction of personal interests. The establishment of free translation circles provides a convenient and efficient means of communicating to develop their complex of Lei Feng.
The online free translation is not only in the form of text, but also in the form of subtitle. Many domestic movie website or BBS recruit language talents to translate the subtitle of latest movies abroad and published the version with Chinese subtitle before the opening of Hollywood blockbuster on the mainland. The competition is so fierce that website who merely has a lead of an hour will enjoy an overwhelming click rate.
Computer Virus Removal through Tech Support
Computer viruses spread from one computer to another and that interferes with the computer operation. A computer virus may corrupt or delete data permanently from the computer hard disk. But the tech support experts can provide you with virus removal assistance at really affordable prices.
The way a computer virus infiltrates your PC depends on the type of virus it is. All computer viruses have their own features and factors that make them unique and dangerous to the health of their computer. Due to many different types of computer viruses, it can be confusing at times to diagnose what kind of virus your computer is suffering from. To make the identifying process easier, the computer support experts have listed three basic types of viruses that you will likely encounter. These computer viruses include: Trojan Horses, Worms and Email Viruses.
Trojan Horses: Trojan virus once on your system, doesn’t reproduce, but instead makes your computer susceptible to malicious intruders by allowing them to access and read your files. This type of virus is extremely dangerous for your computer’s security and privacy. According to the qualified technicians you should avoid downloading programs or files from the site if you are not positive of what the file or program does.
Worms: A worm multiplies itself by using computer networks. They usually attack multi-user systems and can spread over corporate networks via the circulation of emails. To protect your computer from worms, you should update your security patches. Operating systems and application vendors normally provide these patches. In addition you should avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders.
Email viruses use email messages to spread. An email virus can automatically forward itself to thousands of people, depending on whose email address it attacks. According to tech support experts, you should always check that your anti-virus is up-to-date. The computer repair experts recommend installing Spam filter and Spam Blocker to block unwanted email viruses.
Computer viruses continue to make up a considerable and growing percentage of the cyber malware threat. Fortunately, most of the viruses are easily detected and dealt by the tech support team, and effective methods for eliminating them are often developed as soon as the viruses are discovered. The qualified professionals keep a robust defense system available all the time for your precious computers and do not let the virus to sap the productivity of your computer.
Following are the services available for virus removal by the computer repair experts:
The tech support can install and update your PC with the latest anti-virus softwares. They can scan your PC and laptop to detect any malicious virus, spyware and malware. This helps to restore the functionality of your system.
The help in eliminating the virus threats in your system.
The way a computer virus infiltrates your PC depends on the type of virus it is. All computer viruses have their own features and factors that make them unique and dangerous to the health of their computer. Due to many different types of computer viruses, it can be confusing at times to diagnose what kind of virus your computer is suffering from. To make the identifying process easier, the computer support experts have listed three basic types of viruses that you will likely encounter. These computer viruses include: Trojan Horses, Worms and Email Viruses.
Trojan Horses: Trojan virus once on your system, doesn’t reproduce, but instead makes your computer susceptible to malicious intruders by allowing them to access and read your files. This type of virus is extremely dangerous for your computer’s security and privacy. According to the qualified technicians you should avoid downloading programs or files from the site if you are not positive of what the file or program does.
Worms: A worm multiplies itself by using computer networks. They usually attack multi-user systems and can spread over corporate networks via the circulation of emails. To protect your computer from worms, you should update your security patches. Operating systems and application vendors normally provide these patches. In addition you should avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders.
Email viruses use email messages to spread. An email virus can automatically forward itself to thousands of people, depending on whose email address it attacks. According to tech support experts, you should always check that your anti-virus is up-to-date. The computer repair experts recommend installing Spam filter and Spam Blocker to block unwanted email viruses.
Computer viruses continue to make up a considerable and growing percentage of the cyber malware threat. Fortunately, most of the viruses are easily detected and dealt by the tech support team, and effective methods for eliminating them are often developed as soon as the viruses are discovered. The qualified professionals keep a robust defense system available all the time for your precious computers and do not let the virus to sap the productivity of your computer.
Following are the services available for virus removal by the computer repair experts:
The tech support can install and update your PC with the latest anti-virus softwares. They can scan your PC and laptop to detect any malicious virus, spyware and malware. This helps to restore the functionality of your system.
The help in eliminating the virus threats in your system.
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